This three DVD set documentary about significant revivals in the history of Wales carries a scholarly authority but is warm and insightful, communicating a passion for the revival work of God and the church throughout Welsh history. Teaching with clarity on these matters, Jonathan’s engagement with the revivals of the past invigorates the hearts of hearers today.
Contemporary historians and Welsh ministers of today are scattered throughout the documentary which adds to that ‘home’ touch. Those featured, alongside Jonathan, lead us into a great expectation that the God who moved in Wales in a mighty way throughout her history, is the same God who can do it all again today. What a glorious thought! Do we dare to believe passionately and preach that same, simple, saving gospel whereupon the Spirit of God so mightily moved in the days of Jones, Charles, Harris and Williams?
The Welsh Awakenings documentary is simply beautiful! Everything about it feels like home in Wales. I love the shamelessness of the centrality of Christ and his Word and I love that our God is more passionate about saving souls by that same old revival-bringing gospel today! Jonathan has opened up the eyes of a new generation to the work the gospel accomplished in Wales among prior generations.