July/August 2023
Generationally speaking, I’m a millennial. One definition of the boundaries between millennials and the generation before, Gen-X, is that millennials entered adulthood after we reached the year 2,000 – hence the name. We started our childhood almost completely without online technologies, yet by the time we became adults, those technologies were becoming a vital part of our experience, even if we had to start out with slow dial up internet and large brick sized mobiles.
Though the dividing lines between generations ought to be more blurry than they are commonly seen to be, there are differences which are far more than just technology. Negatively speaking, people of my generation are considered to be snowflakes, that is those who melt when life gets tough, and as a generation, we are considered to have a sense of entitlement. Our redeeming qualities are that we have a greater awareness of environmental impacts, a desire for community and a hunger for authenticity. While each generation has different characteristics, some values will get passed on from one generation to another.
As we seek to pass on the gospel from one generation to the next, it is helpful for us to think about generational changes. The way we share the gospel will need to be different with each successive generation as they think and feel differently to those who lived before them. The pressures that younger disciples will face will be pressures that weren’t around in years gone by, and so our discipleship needs to be focussed differently. Yet, despite the differences between the generations, we can be sure that the same Jesus will reach hearts and lives, gripping the next generation’s affections as they give their lives to serve and follow him.
With all that in mind, several of our articles in this edition explore the need for us to reach the next generation. We also have some articles that give voice to the younger generations, as well as some articles that help us in thinking through how we reach and connect across generations. As always, there is plenty more inside, a whole host of varied articles, with some new and reviews to round off. I trust that God uses it to do you good.