July/August 2019
One of the things I enjoy most about editing the Magazine is that it both warms my heart and stirs my mind. Outside of the Bible, there aren’t many other things I read that do both of those!
In this issue, Ian Parry – who is the main speaker at this year’s Aber conference – challenges us to ask ourselves difficult questions to help us in our spiritual walk. Here’s just one of them: ‘What is it I do simply because I love Jesus?’. It’s a great question, and perhaps harder to answer than it ought to be.
Johnny Raine then looks at the Bible’s the often neglected, but fundamental account of the fall, and brings a fresh perspective on the consequences to us of man’s first sin. Conrad Mbewe, who is also speaking at Aber, reminds us that the image of God, that was marred at that fall, is restored in us as we are renewed in the likeness of God. It’s this that allows us to love because he first loved us.
Andy Pitt explores what it means for the church to be the church – it’s a lot more than songs and sermons on a Sunday. On a similar theme, Peter Milsom helps us to see other people through the eyes of Jesus, while the London City Mission helps us to better understand and communicate with Muslims who perhaps live in our area.
As always, there’s plenty more. Wayne Probert tells us how he went from bare-knuckle fighting to teaching in a Sunday School. John Benton discusses why we’re so often obsessed with our selves, and Nigel Faithful asks us about our ultimate destination.
So, as always, there’s plenty for everyone, and – we trust – plenty of fuel the Holy Spirit can use to warm your heart and stir your mind.