Why Don't You?
- Why Don't You Talk About The Sermon? (1)
- Go on a short-term mission trip? (2)
- Serve On A Camp (3)
- Why don't you practise hospitality? (5)
- Why Don't You Sing Carols? (6)
I have spent the last ten years living and serving in South East Asia. Based in North Thailand I am responsible for receiving short-term workers who come and serve alongside our long-term team members living in the Mekong Region of South East Asia. Short-term in my case means anyone looking to come for up to a year.
Some might question the value of a short-term trip but being more aware of what God is doing in another part of the world, understanding first-hand what it is like and therefore being better equipped to pray more intelligently, cannot be underestimated. Often the most important part of a short-term placement is not what the workers are going to do but how they are changed in the process. If you are willing to lay aside your own preferred needs, the learning potential is significant. My most encouraging short-termers are those who are prayerful, ask good questions and use their initiative where appropriate. A short-term trip is never a waste of time. It can help you find your place in mission, whether that is to learn more about mission, pray more, give more, be involved in sending or mobilising others to step out too. The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few.
Almost everyone who comes on a short-term mission trip leaves saying that they have received much more than they have given. If you are thinking about serving short-term you must be willing to lay aside your own agenda for the greater benefit of those you are going to serve alongside. Ask what is the greatest need and be willing to step out and see if that is where the Lord would have you serve. A good way of dipping your toe in the water is to go as part of a team rather than on an individual placement.
Many organisations offer a short-term programme and have opportunities for serving in different ways. One often overlooked opportunity is to work with ‘TCK’s (Third Culture Kids). These are the children of missionaries serving abroad and this work is so important. The investment made in these children helps to keep families on the mission field. Most organisations run field conferences and are always looking for short-term workers to come and run a programme for the children and young people. These opportunities are essential for mission families to thrive and not just survive when serving cross-culturally. Could this be something that God is calling you to do?
Covid-19 had a massive impact on the ability of organisations to receive short-term workers and the increase in the cost of flights means that fewer people are coming out to serve on short-term placements. So what are you waiting for? Step out and look at what is out there. Ask more questions. Push the door and see what happens.