This is a new book, just 52 pages long, but is an excellent read. The book takes its inspiration from the story of the Grinch and each chapter uses this well-known story to introduce the reader to the truths of the Bible. It is well written, simple to understand yet has a real depth of Bible teaching and doctrine. The author begins with Luke’s gospel and sets it in the historical context, challenging the reader to accept the historical evidence to prove that this is a true story. The next chapter deals with the ‘Who?’ of Christmas. Jesus, and goes right back to Genesis. The following chapter is ‘The Shocking Why?’ and in a couple of pages shows how and why Jesus needed to die, where he is now and what difference that makes to us. The next chapter looks at the reality of Christmas, how it can feel empty, but that the real Christmas brings joy and peace. The last chapter helps the reader to see how to regain the stolen Christmas through coming to God.
As many people are struggling with the apparent emptiness of their lives at the moment this is a book that speaks into that. It delves deep into biblical truths and encourages the reader to think as well as challenging them to consider their assumptions about the truth of the Christmas story and why it matters.