We often hear hell mentioned in common speech, usually as an expletive or in phrases such as ‘hell for leather’. Hell has featured in comic sketches on television and has been portrayed by authors and artists as a burning pit with the devil coloured red, sprouting horns from his head, tossing tormented souls into the flames with a pitchfork. Hell is no joke, and although the world’s imagery is misleading, it remains a reality which one ignores at one’s peril.
John Blanchard tells us the truth — what the Bible and Jesus say about hell, in language which all can understand. He first explains the meaning of the word ‘hell’, then shows how God’s nature is not only love, but also holiness and justice. Everyone senses there must be some ultimate justice for those who escape punishment in this life; God’s judgment on unrepentant sinners is hell.
He ends with a chapter on how we can escape such a destiny by trusting Christ for salvation, and an appendix explains why we can trust the Bible. I recommend this book.