This book was recommended to me by my pastor after being confused about how to interpret the visions when reading Revelation. With crazy creatures and different riders, and the seemingly strange 144,000 amongst other unusual things, I’m sure everyone has read Revelation in a haze of confusion at some point, if not every time! This book goes chapter by chapter, explaining clearly what it all means and laying out all the theories from different scholars, testing the validity of each. Most importantly, Richard Bewes always applies it and you can ask yourself, ‘So what does this mean for me?’
Practically speaking, it is a very readable book. It has small chapters and isn’t too wordy, so you could read through Revelation in eighteen days if you read a chapter of this book a day. It also has study questions at the end of each part (three parts in total), which could be useful for any book club or study group.
I finished this book excited for heaven, thankful that I have been saved from God’s wrath and thinking about how holy our God is. Surely that can’t be bad!