The Psalms are the songbook of the Bible; they contain profound theological truths and yet are deeply personal. They encourage us to see the richness of God’s character and lead us to find mercy, comfort and wisdom as we read them. They also show us Christ. This book takes the reader through each of the psalms in a year. Each day there is a short reading from a psalm: smaller psalms are read in one go, and larger psalms are split up over two or three days. Then there is a short meditation on the meaning of the psalm and a prayer to help you bring what you have read to God.
Tim Keller writes very well – simply, yet profoundly – and tackles many different subjects in these devotions. He does not go into the details of language or history; he just brings the message of the psalm to the reader. If you are new to daily Bible reading then this is an excellent start. The Psalms contain the whole range of human emotions, and Tim Keller weaves this through the book. The devotions are all different. I thought I may get a little bored after a few months, but I didn’t. The devotions only take around ten minutes to read, but I often found myself thinking on them throughout the day.