This is a ten week study in Psalm 23, the first book of Lisa Derhake, a medical doctor turned writer. The format is that of a study book, with spaces to write down answers and reflections. It is hardback with an attractive pink cover. I would suggest that you start by reading the appendix where the author helps the reader to trace a biblical theme, based on a biblical theology workshop.
The studies take us through the main themes of Psalm 23, drawing on references in the Old and New Testaments to explore it in more depth. The text of the study is easy to read and written in accessible language. Each study contains important background information where relevant and the author has done her preparation well. I found the application questions to be challenging and helpful.
Here is a taster from the book: ‘We will surely dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Ps. 23:6). On that day when we finally get to see the Lord face to face, we will be immersed in complete understanding – wholly surrounded by the perfect love of God.’
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