Please don’t misunderstand me if I say that I have been eagerly awaiting the publication of this book. I have been a trustee of a domestic violence charity and have known of Dr Davies’ research into this subject and his desire to give a voice to those who have suffered domestic violence at the hands of perpetrators who are professing Christians. The book delivers what it says on the cover. It tackles the biblical aspects of hidden abuse, and the author suggests a pastoral response that church leaders need to read, note, inwardly digest and put into action.
The book gives facts relevant to UK, USA and Australia, but it does more than that. The book contains case studies and brings the issue starkly to life. You’ll be shocked. You’ll be saddened. You’ll be angry. You will weep. How could one person perpetrate such violence on another human being in the name of Christ? This is where the author does the church a valuable service. He tackles the interpretative challenges of the Bible teaching on submission and headship. He tackles the issue of the biblical grounds for divorce. Those chapters alone should be required reading for all pastors and church leaders.
Throughout the book resources for help are mentioned, but I wish they had been repeated as part of a resource page at the end of the book, for ease of use.
This book isn’t bedtime reading, but it should be compulsory reading. Let’s make the church a place of safety and the word of God a resource for healing, not hurt.