These three round, attractive packages each contain 40 strips of card which aim to provide interactive Bible devotions for the family from age three upwards. They come in three sets: God, Key Bible words and Prayer.
When I first looked at them, to be honest, my heart sank! My first impression was that this was the old-fashioned ‘promise box’ approach of yesteryear. However, when I opened the first tube, I was pleasantly surprised. Inside each tube are 40 cardboard strips. On each strip is a topic, a Bible verse and a Bible passage to read. On the reverse is a Think section which poses a question to discuss and also a Pray section which has a suggestion for a prayer topic.
I can see how these are helpful aids to family devotions – they are starters, rather than giving you a whole text. They leave scope for family interaction at various age levels.
The theme of each box moves away from this being a random promise box approach.
They are ideal for a family, but the Prayer set could also be a useful addition to a Sunday School session.