This book is so compelling that I almost managed to read it in one sitting. The book is a narrative of revival times in Moldova. Maureen Wise had first-hand experience of those times and also spoke to other eye-witnesses of the awakening which began in 1988 and lasted until 2000. Sadly, the country is now in the aftermath of the ‘latter rain’. I found the contextual information about the persecution under communism endured by believers before revival broke out, humbling and challenging. The author remains in the background and lets the voices of the brothers and sisters who were converted during the revival speak.
Several themes emerged from the book. I was struck by the boldness of believers in speaking of Christ wherever they went, even in the open air or to passers-by in the street, and the desperation on the part of seekers to have a Bible. Out of the revival came a desire for sound teaching and good theological education for pastors and it is thrilling to see how God met that need. I was moved by testimonies of people across the social spectrum and ethnic divisions who came to Christ in the revival and then set about reaching out to their communities by providing social and medical care, as well as evangelism and church-planting. It seems a cliché to say it, but my heart was warmed by what God has done in my generation, not so very far away. I pray that this book will stir many to pray, that what God has done in Eastern Europe can be replicated in Western Europe. Our God doesn’t change – he is the God who is mighty to save.