Evangelical Magazine

Book review — Being the bad guys: How to live for Jesus in a world that says you shouldn't

If you’ve noticed a shift in attitude towards Christians in the last decade or so, then this book will help you understand what that shift is and how we can live as a result. Stephen McAlpine explains that whereas we were once considered the good guys of society, we have long lost that position. For a short time we may have been considered neutral, but now are regarded with suspicion, thought of as ‘on the wrong side of history’ or even labelled as dangerous. Many of the touchpoints are to do with sexuality and gender identity,

Our response might naturally fall into making lots of noise or playing the victim, but McAlpine advocates for a more nuanced approach, encouraging us to be the best bad guys we can possibly be. He draws on Daniel, Haggai and Corinthians to help us see what living for Jesus looks like amidst opposition. He allows these foundations to drive how we thrive as churches and as Christians in workplaces and other contexts in our new environment.

This kind of book could easily be pessimistic, but it is actually refreshingly optimistic, whilst being very realistic about the current situation in the West. Being easily accessible, I’d recommend it for any Christian to help them engage with our current cultural climate.


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