When I saw the title and sub-title of this book, I feared it would be simplistic, send Christians on a guilt trip, and fail to handle the biblical text responsibly. But after reading this small, user-friendly book, I realised my initial fears were misplaced. And to my surprise, I enjoyed the book, and I was encouraged and challenged by it.
Why? The author writes simply by underlining key prayer-texts in Acts, and he does so competently without technical language. It’s well-illustrated, pastoral and biblical. The content is rich but heart-warming. And it encourages Christians and churches to pray without making us feel guilty.
The author wants churches and believers everywhere to re-establish, rather than neglect or weaken, the link between the ministry of the Word and prayer. He warns:
‘…only in humble dependence on God will our churches function faithfully. As we plant and water, it is ongoing and dependent prayer that connects with the extraordinary God who can do in and for us what we could never do in our life and ministry.’
Let’s put its biblical message into practice in our lives and churches.