November/December 2024
‘It wouldn’t be Christmas without …’ What would you put in the blank? Perhaps it’s the decorations or the tree as they adorn our homes and mark the season’s arrival. It might be food, particularly the turkey with all the trimmings, or the selection boxes, nuts and biscuits. Would it be Christmas if you didn’t see family and friends? Or if you failed to give and receive gifts? The TV specials or the familiar songs? Yet it certainly wouldn’t be Christmas without the birth of Christ. How sad that so many in our society pursue the celebrations without the central character but what an opportunity we have to bring him back into the spotlight where he ought to be.
Christmas might still be a long way off, but it soon comes around. Give it another month and we’ll be opening the first doors of our advent calendars. As we build up to this special season, we want to give you the chance to prepare your heart and ready yourself to ensure the birth of Jesus is at the centre of your celebrations. To do that, Dafydd Job provides a brilliant meditation on the gift that Jesus is, given to humanity and available to be received. Exploring the foretelling of Jesus in Hosea, Charlie Hadjiev helps us think through how Christ is the fulfilment of prophecy. Jane gives her insight into the challenges of celebrating Christmas with family who aren’t Christians and Fiona Spear encourages us in the heartfelt singing of carols.
More than just a Christmas edition, within these pages you will also find a ‘selection box’ of articles including personal stories and accounts from history and around the world, thought-provoking theological writing, practical ideas and suggestions, along with the latest news and reviews. Everything is intended to help spur you on to live your life for Jesus. As always, our prayer is that it glorifies God and serves Christ’s church as the Spirit works in your hearts through these words.