Evangelical Magazine

March/April 2018

Easter is just a few weeks away, and this year it falls on April Fools’ Day, so this issue of the magazine begins with Roger Carswell looking at some ‘fools’ on the very first Easter. John Woolley opens up Colossians 2 to help us look at the cross from God’s perspective, while Alun Ebenezer looks afresh at Jesus’ crucifixion.

There’s plenty to help your devotional life, too. Jeremy Bailey asks whether we have a famine of prayer in our churches, and helps us with both a diagnosis and a suggested ‘treatment’. Elsewhere, Nigel Faithfull reflects on his childhood experience of seeing river pilots safely escorting ships up the Bristol Channel, and points us to Christ, our pilot. Meanwhile, Dafydd Job continues our series on the fruit of the Spirit, looking at joy.

Looking beyond our shores, Kevin Adams unpicks some of the complexities of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s stand against Nazism during the Second World War, while John Woolley packs his missionary suitcase to discover what we need to take the gospel to everyone (even those in our own streets).

This month’s magazine also gives us a chance to learn from the experiences of others. Paul Darlington reflects on being an evangelical minister in a non-evangelical church. It’s more encouraging than you might think! Daniel Jarvis asks whether our evangelism is relevant today, by reflecting on his experience in reaching out to festival-goers in Reading. Andrew Davies looks back at some of the most difficult times in his life – times when he was reminded afresh that the Lord is King. And James New reflects on his old life, when he believed that science was the only truth. What changed his mind, what difference does it make, and what does he think of science now? His testimony is well worth reading and sharing.

As always, there’s still more inside, but before you jump on in, pray with us that the Lord would use this issue of the magazine to speak to you, and to strengthen you in your walk with him.

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