Evangelical Magazine

Why Have You Forsaken Me?

In early 2022, I spent time reflecting on the ‘I ams’ of Jesus. I was struck most profoundly by the One who called himself ‘the Light of the World’ succumbing to enveloping darkness. That profound juxtaposition has stuck with me. It recently re-emerged whilst I was reflecting on Jesus’ great cries from the cross as part of a project writing prayers in response to the events of Good Friday.

The gospel of Matthew includes details about supernatural darkness, the Saviour’s silence and the eventual return of the light (Matt. 27:45-46). This makes the cry ‘Why have you forsaken me?’ even more powerful in my eyes. The darkness reigned whilst Christ was silent, but at the sound of his voice, light returned once more.

The following prayer is inspired by Matthew 27:45-46 and is my attempt to wrestle with the magnitude of what Jesus endured for our sake and to gently call us into a place where we desire his light and life to be experienced more and more.


Prayers from the cross


‘Why Have You Forsaken Me?’

Before you spoke there was darkness

Without you, there is not

No life, no joy, no light.


Yet into that darkness, you spoke and there was.


First light, then – everything

And in your light life and joy.


But we chose something else

We chose to turn from you

To cling to the shadows.


Life in the dark is difficult

Life in the dark is hard

Life in the dark is not what You desire.


So, you came

Not just speaking into the darkness

But walking …


The Light of the World stepped down

Into the darkness we have created.

The Light shone – but we did not recognise it.


And darkness schemed, darkness conspired

To extinguish the Light so that death might reign.


In darkness you hung

Creation in mourning for its Creator

The weight of our rejection on your shoulders.


In darkness you hung

And silence.

For three hours darkness filled the air.


And when you spoke it was not calling out the light

When you spoke it was despair at what darkness had brought.


But despair is not the end

Darkness does not have the final word

Even then the light returned.


At the very sound of your voice death and darkness fled

And life and light came forth

The shadows receded and your glory shone.


We had chosen death

But you were bringing life.

We rejected

But you reconciled.


You who knew no sin

Became sin

So that we could be

The Righteousness of God.


We still know darkness

Around us and in us.

Speak again O Lord

Make it flee wherever it is found.




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