God said that he would never leave himself without a witness. We often think of this in terms of preachers witnessing and telling people about God. This of course is essential but the verse actually refers to something else.
He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your heart with joy (Acts 14:17).
We live in a fallen and broken world and yet God’s presence and good character are still seen in the world around us: in creation, nature and his provisions. This is the point.
But where is God seen today?
But where do we see him today, when there is so much suffering and death? What are the ‘witnesses’ to God’s presence?
I see him
in the myriad of examples of his common grace and love. God has graciously created all of us in his image and we see this demonstrated in the selflessness of the doctors in Italy willing to give their lives to protect the vulnerable, or the tens of thousands of people in Britain who have volunteered to help the NHS, or the amazing response to the Street Champion scheme in my home town. We wonder where suffering comes from, it is equally important to ask where such profound sacrificial love comes from?
I see him
in the utter grief and sorrow felt by those facing the loss of a loved one. From where does such love and compassion come?
I see him
in the awakening of souls in times of crisis. C.S. Lewis described suffering as God’s megaphone to rouse a deaf world. The apostle James told us to consider it ‘pure joy’ when we face trials as it deepens and matures our faith. Take everything else away and there is only one Rock that remains. God himself. More people have realised this in 2020 than for many a year. Where does this need for a God of comfort, peace and refuge come from?
I see him
in the 75 year old pastor admitted to hospital with COVID-19, holding the hands of those dying around him and reading the Bible to them. A kind and gentle man in the midst of a storm.
I see him
in the doctor who treated him and who was devastated by his death; an atheist for years, who had never believed such hope was possible, but now believes and trusts in Jesus.
I see him
in the saving grace and love experienced by millions, like this doctor, rescued from death, destruction and despair, and given forgiveness, a relationship with God and eternal life.
I see him
in my brothers and sisters in church; disciples of Jesus, of varying ages and backgrounds, overcoming all manner of technical obstacles to carry on worshipping together, praying, weeping and rejoicing, sharing God’s blessing, and going out to serve and bless our neighbours and communities.
And ultimately,
I see him
in the Bible and in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, the image of the invisible God, and I can’t wait until Easter this year, when in the midst of everything we will remember the life-giving power of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
There are witnesses testifying to God’s goodness everywhere. The question is: Are we listening? Maybe in this unique time in our lives, when so much else is silenced, we might find time to hear the One who cannot be silenced, to repent and turn to him. He is there, you know, and he sent his Son to die on the Cross so that you should not perish but have eternal life and know him personally today and forever.